the girl next door

Hi People!
scream out loud

gone with the wind

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
you're on your way

A very crucial month
Saturday, May 22, 2010
like the girls,
i am also involved in the broken-heart club.
but no doubt,tht time is by far the best healer.
i dont mind being a good girl in disguise.where my good side is hidden.
i can be nice,and i also can be cruel if you ask for it.
it hurts to see girls hurting each other.and do it for the sake of guys.
but it is okay,again,im giving in.
i dont mind sacrficing my happiness in for a girl because i understand how she feels.and guys remain guys,
"appreciate"doesnt seem to exist in their dictionary.
ive been betrayed by her,leaking information to him for her own happiness.
i was least expecting tht to happen.
since she wants him so much,its okaaaay.
everything has come to an end,and my heart is slowly healing.
with my pillars of strength by my side,and also i let alone do its source.
nono,i am not going to give up on love just yet,but im going to let nature do its source.
and i would just be concentrating in my studies,ive flunked every single thing but malay
malay intensive has commenced and ,now i would be focusing in my weak area in malay, and i would really wish for an A1 for this upocoming malay Os . amin .
i miss you girls.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

FIrtsly , i wanna sae tat i had real fun yesterdae .


Pr0blems , one afta anotha .At first i thought it will be a blessing if we re single but things re nawt easy as whawt we thought . Be strong to face ol diys oke . WE Gawt each otha hands to hold wen we gonna fall.Treat diys as part of downs in life .
am sure happines will shine on us soon .AMIN .

3 DAES & it will be th 21st .Th date tat used to be a nice moment but .... haish . Am s0ooo nawt looking ferwer to tat date .:{

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Sunday, May 16, 2010
Hi, Nuyun Chua is backkkk!

Miss me or not Babygirls?
Hehehe. Don't miss me too much okay.

This is Hachiqah Chan.
She wrote a post for all of us in her blog.
Which I find it.. too sweet to handle.
Babygirl, You know.. even if you think we're drifted.
We loves you as much as you do. Don't ever spout nonsenses will you?

*Ignore my hair* Wind blow wind.

This is Hachilah San.
The nicest and random girl.
She would run from her house then towards you.
AND HUGGED YOU. Sweet kan? Biasalah. Nuyun's.
Eventhough we're from different school,
You know I still love you no less like the other girls.

*Ignore my irritating face*

This is Feeqa Chia.
She was there for me throughout my depression moments.
The others felt me but not as much as she does.
The reason is I broke up one week after hers.
Babygirl, Thanks for attending me morning to afternoon/evening to night.
Never failed to ask me how am I. Love you.

This is Radin Nur Atiqah.
She lives in Jurong. But I love her as much as the other girls.
I should thanks Muhammad Adha for letting me know this angel here.
From Anuar to Azam to Lucas and lastly, Faiz.
She never failed to comfort me and listening to my complaints.
Regarding screwed boys + my cramps.
Thank you Babygirl for everything.

*Don't mind that picture. I know we look retarded.*

This is Nadhirah.
My favourite girl. The one who I've been disturbing whenever I'm bored.
Babygirl, I know how you felt. Seriously.
Please cheer up Okay. It hurts me to see your tears running down your cheeks.
If you need anyone, You can count on me.
I'll be phonecall away. Loveyou.

This is Yana Yukira.
I miss her so much. Her laughters especially.
She loves to do random stuff.
Babygirl, even if we're not in the same school.
I still care and love you like the rest of the other girls.
Takmu sedih-sedih pasal Am okay. Call me if you need anyone to talk to.

Last but not least,
This is Icesyah.
Eventhough, we're drifted apart...
Babygirl, I love you like always.
Don't cry because of that guy anymore okay.
I know you can move on. I'll always be here and there for you.
Please cheerup.

Finally.. I'm done.
Dearest girls, I miss you.
Each and everyone of you. Basically. I would like to say..
Thanks for everything. You're my pillar of strength.
Never failed to make me smile and laugh.
Thanks. I love you.

Nurul Arrysa. Your Chua.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010
Heyl0w baybie(s) .

Nuyun , its nawt tat i dun wanna update but i could not get thru dis blog .
N0w da dapaat aru i leyy update .
Well .. if am nawt mistaken n0w sumer BabyG(s) single . We felt th same pain .
We'll stay 0n t0getha & g0 thru dis t0getha aye .
N0 m0re tears oke ?


GHURLS ! TOM0RR0W THE 170509 ! W00SH-

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today's the 10th.
Hehehe. Sweet seventeenth you nanti kite celebrate on the 17 okay?

Okay got to go now people.
Before guwe dapat surat biru.
Ahhh bagus Yun, Kau tanya sendiri. Kau jawab sendiri.

I'm so happy today Girls!
Why? Nanti I story telling you all in school okay?
Atiqah nak tahu tak apa?
Hahahaha, Text me asap. HAHAHAHAHA!

Don't be shock okay girlygirlygirlgirls.
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm starting to type nonsensical stuffs here.
Okay shit!


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Hello humans!!
Yana here.First time posting something in this account.Just feel like posting here so that someone won't be reading.Lol.And i won't be asked question if i were to write something regarding my feelings.
Haha.Nuyun cute sia.Run to the computer just to give me password and email.Sorry kalau aku kacau tidur kau.Haha.
Yun! How nyah lap mulut comot???? HAHA!
Cute eh Mother's Day present aku.HAHA
Girls aku rindu korang sangatsangat!! Meet lar!! JOM!!
SN and me are on good terms already but then he is still contacting with that girl.Haish.Will you like if someone you love were to contact a girl whom he use to like and love??No right.That is how im feeling rite now.And everytime if i were to ask him if he still have feelings for her he will try avoid that question.And once he even say,he is not sure if he still love that girl or not.Wierd.And the way he replied shows me that he somehow still have feelings for her but he is unsure.Am i right?
Im losing all my hope already.
Feeqa aku lebih suke tengok kau "yang sekrang" dari "yang dulu" (:
Girls make plan really soon.I want to meet you girls.Gy Granlink Jom! Aku nak dengar suar nuyun yang "cute" tu.Haha.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ghurls ! w00ts .. !

Feeqa bahgia niary . .0h wait !
Firstly t0 IKA-YUN-ATIQA , am s000 s0rry tat i c0uld nawt make it . Thanx , c0s ma m0m yg lembab sangat naq bleq .:}
0KE . Jus s0 yue kn0w ghurls , IMYUE 0L . SERI0US !
uhm . .ghurls , can i sae tat i really care fer s0me0ne ryte n0w ? Is it t0 fast ?
haiya . .! *c0nfused ..

Besydes yue gurls s0me0ne alwaes made ma dae .. k0rang tauhk saper kannn?? Gee .
Nuyun , am glad tat yue re oke n0w .Ika thanx fer being the pillar wen we ghurls wanted t0 fall . Atiqa , tho we bru kenal ,thanx fer th c0ncern yue gave :}

il0ve bbyg's + ein + syuk !

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Hi Morning!
Nuyun's here. Well, Today I'll be meeting the girls ^^
I can't wait. I can't wait.
Tons of stories and gossips to share.

Well. Basically.

I think.. I'm better now.
I've stopped my foolishness. *eyebrows up and down*
Budhen... I din't mean to hurt Iyan.

Eh Girrrrrrrrrrrrls. I ter hurt Iyan again. How?
:'( I tak nak Karma.

Kay nvm. Tak sengaja whuat. Kay bagus aku jawab sendiri.
Yana dah bahagia eh? Am oh Am. Kau sakit hati dia lagi satu kali.
(Bukan dua atau tiga tapi SATU LANGKAH SETAPAK SALAH JE) Siap kau!
Nanti ni chek-kiyah pey turun. Lol. Sial pey yun.

Chill ah. Aku tak pukul orang. <:
Today supposingly Lucas Chua, the suci dalam debu boy is coming home.
But there's no delivery report nor calls. Sodeh pah!
Kay nvm. Sabar yun, sabar. Ahhh one more thing.
Last thing. I would like to thanks to all my single ladies for everything.
Me loves you all.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

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Saturday, May 1, 2010
I've nawt been updatyn , yes i know ghurls .
TOO many thyngs happenyn between us ghurls .
Whye must we hurt each otha ? I thought we care ? We love?
NUYUN , jus s0 yue kn0w , i feel yue . I DO . Wen our love one saed ilyue but th whole part 0f dhem re wyt s0me0ne else . Sigh .
I hope tyme fly fast . Dhey chose dheir path so let dhem b . At least we tried t0 h0ld 0n .
S0 n0w , fynd yuer 0wn happiness oke . WHYE TH FUCK WE CARE ??
Dhey dun spare a thought fer us .

I've been spendyng ma daes 0utsyde . Thanx t0 d0se l0vies tat 0lwaes dhere .
i l0ve yue 0l ! mwaaa !!
. .ph0t0s will be update s00n ..

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